Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Currently in the process of moving. This is a time of transition for me and others. Life is a series of seemingly unrelated events that are all intricately woven into your unique experience. Everything affects everything. Everyone affects everyone. There are many changes coming on in my life, and I know that they are all connected in some way. Have had a lot of time to think this summer. Packing up my bedroom feels like packing up my life. Friends have called my room by many names, from the Mud hut to a Sanctuary, but one thing remains consistent; the appearance of my bedroom reflects the terrain of my mind, wherever it may be at that time. When my room is immaculately clean, my mind is  in order, and I know what I have to do. Conversely, if my room looks like someone threw a grenade in there and left, my head is a war zone. Packing my room, packing my life, I had to scrutinize who I've been for the past year (all my life, really) up against who I am and also who I want to become. This was hard, as some pieces needed to be discarded, others rediscovered only to be preserved in bubble wrap for future use, and finally, some necessary accessories had to be donned on the spot, in preparation for the road ahead. One thing is certain: in life it's important to decide what's worth bringing and what to leave behind. Sorting through the rubbish can be painful, but it's necessary to make room for what's coming. The things you leave behind may be hard to part with, but it's for the best, because they would only weigh you down on your journey. And the things worth bringing are never too heavy to take with you.